Oral cancer can literally wipe the smile off your face…
Smoking can even let a crow in deep relation with beautiful woman
Oral cancer can literally wipe the smile off your face…
- The oral cavity includes the lips, buccal mucosa, teeth, gingiva, anterior two-third of tongue, floor of the mouth and hard palate.
- Oral cancer is defined as the cancer of lips, mouth and tongue.
What is the burden of disease in India?
- India has one third of oral cancer cases in the world.
- In India, 20 per 100000 population are affected by oral cancer which accounts for about 30% of all types of cancer.
- Over 5 people in India die every hour everyday because of oral cancer.
- Oral cancers in India estimated (Globocan, 2018)
- New cases: 1,19,992
- Deaths: 72,616
- In general, more men suffer and die from oral cancer than women.
Incidence and Age
Are you at risk!
- Tobacco and beetle nut/areca nut(supari) consumption
- Alcohol consumption
- Sharp teeth or ill fitting dentures
- Diet
- Human Papillomavirus (HPV)
- Weak immune system: HIV
- Exposure to sun’s ultra violet rays
Tobacco and beetle nut/areca nut(supari) consumption
- All forms of tobacco, including cigarettes, beedi, pipes, cigars, and chewing (smokeless) tobacco.
- Keeping tobacco quid inside mouth Paan with betel nut/areca nut (supari) a
- Estimates indicate 57% of men and 11% of women between 15- 49 years of age use some form of tobacco
- More than 90% of OC cases report using tobacco products.
- Beedi>cigar
- Women chewing tobacco 10 or more times a day have risk 9.2 times that of non-tobacco chewers irrespective of age of initiation of tobacco chewing.
Alcohol consumption
- Alcohol increases the risk of oral cancer.
- The risk is about twice as high in people who have 3 to 4 alcoholic drinks per day compared to those who don’t drink alcohol.
- The risk of oral cancer is even higher in people who use both alcohol and tobacco.
- A study in India has found that alcohol consumption increases the incidence by 49% among current users and 90% in past drinkers.
- Any level of alcohol consumption, even one drink per day, increases the relative risk of developing each of these cancers.
Sharp teeth or ill fitting dentures
- Chronic irritation of gums and cheek by ill fitting dentures or sharp teeth
- Produces chronic irritation and lead to changes in overlying epithelium
- Patients wearing dentures for more than 15 years and not visiting a dentist regularly was highly associated with Oral cancer.
Human Papillomavirus (HPV)
- HPV infection increases the risk of certain types of oral cancer, especially in younger people.
- It is estimated that 35% of oral cancers are infected with HPV.
- Association between oral sex and oral cancer.
Sun exposure
- Sun exposure at early age related to men’s SCC.
- Life time sun exposure related to women’s SCC.
What kind of precancerous conditions?
When should you consult doctor?
- A persistent sore in the mouth or face which does not heal.
- Difficulty or decrease in opening the mouth.
- Development of white, red or mixed patches on tongue, gums or inner linings of mouth.
- A lump or hard mass in the neck.
- Chronic pain in mouth, tongue/jaw pain.
- Difficulty in chewing or swallowing.
- Swelling, thickening, lumps or bumps on lips, gums or inner cavity of mouth.
- Unexplained bleeding in mouth.
- Hoarseness or change in voice.
- Loose teeth and ill-fitting dentures.
- Unexplained weight loss.
Are there test for early detection?
- Any cancers of the oral cavity have a long early pre-cancer period.
Oral visual Examination
You can examine your mouth yourself by looking at your mouth with the help of mirror in bright light, for early detection of oral cancers.
- Wash your hands thoroughly
- Explore your mouth with your finger
- Tilt your head back; examine the roof of your mouth for any abnormal thickening.
- Pull the cheeks on one side at a time, inspect the inner surface and back of the gums.
- Pull out your tongue and hold it with finger upwards, inspect and feel the floor of the mouth and look carefully at the tongue.
- Feel on both sides of the neck for any lump or enlarged lymph nodes.
If you detect any abnormality, bring it to the notice of your doctor for further evaluation